Introducing Presentation Mode
Implement a tried-and-true sales methodology in your sales process and let the results speak for themselves.
Good-Better-Best with ArcSite
ArcSite makes it easy to present leads multiple options, so you can boost your profit margins.
- First, draw your floor plan. In this drawing we recommend you include all of the characteristics that you know will be used across all of the options that you plan on presenting. For example, the main floor plan, doors and other openings, and the basic scope of work that needs to be done should be drawn before you create multiple options.
- Now that you have the basis of your drawing, simply duplicate the drawing. On this duplicate, you can add in all of the additional things that you think the customer might be interested. You can work in some more expensive upsells on this drawing. (Continue this for all of the drawings you would like to show your client. We recommend offering 3 choices.)
- Finally, select the drawings that you would like to present to the client and walk them through the different choices they have.
Once you start showing your customers more options, you might be surprised at how many more of your customer's start choosing the more expensive plans! As reported in Harvard Business Review about 40% of customers across various industries ended up buying the most expensive option!
Three reasons why you should start using Good-Better-Best:
1. Accommodate your client's objectives and budget in a single presentation.
Presenting multiple options to your customer is the most efficient way to make sure that you are presenting the right solution that your client is looking for. Often times you might not know what your lead is really looking for until you present multiple options with an array of different choices.
2. More choices gives your clients fewer reasons to shop around.
Most of your clients are not just going to accept the first quote they receive. It's human nature to want to shop around to find the best price. However, if you can provide your customers with a few choices, they can feel more comfortable choosing one of your options because it provides the same feeling as if they called up multiple bidders.
3. Higher profit margins.
Like we mentioned earlier on this page, 40% of customers end up purchasing at the highest tier presented to them. This creates huge opportunities to increase your company's profit margins. If you are always asking your customer's for the minimum scope of work, you never know if someone might be interested in the best you have to offer. Let's face it, some people want to buy the best of the best, even when it comes to contracting bids. Therefore, presenting a good, better and best option will allow you to capture these high-rollers without the chance overbidding and potentiating turning off a more frugal customer.